Can you imagine waking up each and every day with a zest for life? A vibrancy, a vitality, that leaves you feeling energized?

With a passion to get out of bed as you are living your life from a space of authenticity and non-judgment, a space of loving acceptance, a space of unadulterated joy as you know who you are, what you want to create, and you feel the connection, you trust in the magic…✨

Then let’s start with your ENERGY…

True healing is not about taking a pill, it is about healing your WHOLE being inside and out.

The physical ailments, the emotional ailments, the anxiety, the stress, and the fear are not why you are here. Unfortunately, they may have been the driving force for quite some time but, realize that it is time for this to change.

The majority of these ailments are created by how YOU choose to live YOUR life, how YOU take care of YOURSELF; and where YOU are ENERGETICALLY!

The amazing piece is that you have the ability to CHANGE and step into the most authentic and powerful being that you are here to be!

From a very early age you started taking on emotions, traumas, and what YOU considered failures. This may have resulted in grief, anger, fear, or especially for the sensitive souls, other people’s energy.

If you are not aware of this and don’t do anything to clear it, it can lead to unhappiness, feeling stuck, as well as dis-ease which may manifest itself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

When you are in this place, you can literally feel like you are in CEMENT. You aren’t thriving, you aren’t growing, and you aren’t being your true self…

Red Hat Qigong Energy Healing is an amazingly powerful way to release these blocks, repair and re-balance your energetic system, and connect so you can be more centered, and more grounded within yourself.

This allows you to establish self-awareness around the truth of who you are at soul level which in turn can lead to not only profound healing but feelings of vibrancy, vitality, happiness, contentment, and true authenticity that we all DESIRE!❤️

This is the process of releasing aspects of yourself that are not serving you, by awakening the soul, allowing in the Qi that does serve you, and connecting with who you really are.

This is a profound process of healing, one in which when you do the work, look within, and step into your personal power everything SHIFTS!

Once the natural balance to your system is restored, you can experience an overall lighter presence; this connects your mind, your body, and your soul; allowing freedom of self, liberation from toxic and stuck energy, which all leads to the best version of you!

I invite you to come work with me!

When in the energetic realm the mind can only comprehend so much. This is something that must be experienced and felt on an energetic level in order to truly understand!

This is the shift, a remembering that we now call, the
new way of thinking. We are ENERGY and in order to be our best selves we must take responsibility for who we are at soul level, show up, trust, and allow that ENERGY to open up and flow!

I help people to change their lives so they can be the most ENERGETICALLY VIBRANT versions of themselves they can be!

If YOU want to change YOUR life, I will help YOU to change it!

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