Please continue to check this page for new and upcoming offerings. Please make sure to scroll to the bottom as I am offering both classes and Shamanic Breathwork. Hope to see you there!


Are you drawn to the metaphysical and spiritual world yet are intimidated as to where to begin? Do you consider yourself energetically sensitive, or intuitive, but question yourself? Are you feeling like there is an energy you would like to create but at the same time are unable to access it? Have you been on your journey for a bit but feel like you would like to have more of a basic knowledge or foundation?

To be honest, this realm can be a bit overwhelming and if you are anything like me, squirrels and shiny things are everywhere! However, when you learn basics and start to ground in to what resonates for YOU then you can choose from your own inner guidance; figure out where you want to learn more; and find ways to plug into YOUR OWN magic in your own unique way.

YOU are ENERGY and in order to start stepping into your own light, your own power, there are some helpful pieces that can get you started.

I am offering a new class series (I use the word series but you can drop in or take them all - it is up to you!) In these classes, the beginning will focus on a different concept that will assist you with tapping into tools and techniques to not only help raise your vibration but assist you in affirming what resonates for your own personal journey. The second part of the class will involve actually playing with the energy and being in an energetic intention and support circle.

These Energetic Intention and Support Circles not only provide a safe container where we are able to set intention around what we want to create in our lives but an environment where we are able to connect to other like-minded women and receive energetic support in order to allow our intentions to come into fruition. The energy that heals one, heals all. It is playing with the magic.

It is a circle of women who energetically assist one another in an amazingly beautiful and profound way. The power of a circle, the power of the numbers, helps to enhance what it is that we wish to embody. We literally fill each other with loving energy and support each other in stepping into our own light. This light can be the first step in allowing ourselves to heal, to allow ourselves to be open to the beauty we have inside. It truly is beyond words!


The following class will be about energetic awareness. Let's talk about how to raise your Qi (energy) in every aspect of your life as the higher your Qi the higher your vibration! In order to really begin this journey, you must be aware that you are an ENERGETIC BEING and how ENERGY affects EVERYTHING!

Denver and Golden Area - This class will be on WEDNESDAY MAY 8th. from 5-6:30pm and is $37. If you are interested, please register HERE!

The following class will be about the use of different tools to connect, raise your vibration, and play in the magical world. The more ways we have to support, enhance, and connect to our intuitiveness on an even deeper level, the better!

Durango - This class will be on THURSDAY JUNE 6th from 5-6:30pm and is $37. If you are interested, please connect HERE!ERE.HERE.

Denver and Golden Area- This class will be on WEDNESDAY JUNE 19th, from 5-6:30pm and is $37. If you are interested, please register HERE!


I have two upcoming Shamanic Breathwork Workshop's. One in the Durango area and the other in the Golden/Denver area...

Durango Area - The next event will be on SATURDAY MAY 18th from 1-5pm.

Join me for a workshop full of working through the stuck patterns, the resistance, and grounding into our physical bodies. As we will be breathing to the element of EARTH!


The energy of EARTH can help us to ground into this physical realm and find our stability, our balance, our sense of belonging. It can also represent our family of origin and shedding patterns that we have inherited or taken on.

It is an amazingly grounding energy that can really help us connect to our inner being.

If you are interested in attending this event, please connect HERE!

Denver and Golden Area - The next event will be at Welcome Goddess on SATURDAY JUNE 22nd from 12-4pm.

Join me for a day full of fire, breath, and solstice energy! Let's celebrate the light, the sun, and energetically set into motion what it is we want to create as we burn away the old, activate the fires of transformation, and build the light within ourselves!

The energy of FIRE can help us to ignite our passions, our drive, and our motivation to facilitate change. It can also represent the dysfunctional aspects of ourselves that we carry from our own personal story lines. Or basically, what we need to burn away in order to step into what is next.

It is a beautiful yet powerful energy that really can ignite that spark of life within us.

If you are interested in attending this event, please click HERE.


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