I help people to change their lives so they can be the most ENERGETICALLY VIBRANT versions of themselves they can be! ✨

If YOU want to change YOUR life, I will help YOU to change it!

Red Hat QiGong

Red Hat  Qigong is an incredibly powerful ancient healing modality that has been passed down orally from teacher to student for thousands of years. It restores the natural balance to your system connecting mind, body, and soul. Qigong allows access to higher realms of awareness, awakens one's "true nature", and helps develop human potential. This allows healing on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual. It's one of the most powerful healing modalities and must be experienced first hand to truly recognize the power behind it. 

Red Hat Qigong Energy Healing is the movement of Qi within the energetic body to release blocks, repair and re-balance the energy fields and clean out the soul body. The movement of this Qi results in better  flow of the energetic system thus facilitating innate healing mechanisms. This restores the natural balance to your system connecting mind, body, and soul allowing for freedom of self, liberation from toxic energy, and an overall lighter presence. It helps to peel back those layers and unveil the jewel inside…YOU! 

1.5 hour session $200
3 sessions for $555 ($185 each)*

*Qigong is a process of release and depending on what your goals are, I like to motivate my clients to commit to at least three sessions. 

Learn More about Red Hat Qigong Energy Healing

1.5 Hour Session for $200

3 Sessions for $555

 Shamanic Breath Work

 Shamanic Breathwork is a transformational journey to awaken our true selves through transcending our mind and tapping into altered states of consciousness. With the combination of breath; music that is attuned to and activating of the chakra system; and the safe energetic container; our body responds biologically thus stimulating our natural ability to heal ourselves on all levels of being, the mind, body, and soul.  

No journey is the same and everyone responds in their own magical way. As we enter into an altered state, we may experience true and utter bliss, we may bump up against energies that need to be released, we may battle things deep within our psyche, or we may find ourselves experiencing love beyond anything we ever imagined. 

The Shamanic Breathwork journey is one which can allow us to release old traumas and wounds, trapped emotions and unwanted energies or negative blocks. It can help to promote psychological and spiritual development. It creates a flow of energy that can open and unblock our chakra system while creating balance and harmony within ourselves. It can help us to gain a deeper understanding of who we are, and help us to experience a deep emotional connection thus facilitating healing and what I would like to refer to as an awakening.  

It is an extremely powerful and potent medicine and it is all within you. This work is very similar to Red Hat Qigong in the sense that you must experience it in order to understand the true power behind it!

Please contact me if interested & subscribe to learn more about my latest offerings
a logo for shamanic breathwork certified facilitator
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Akashic Record Reading and Clearing

As a soul realignment certified practitioner I provide Akashic Record Reading and Clearing.  This is a profound way to discover who you truly are at soul level and what blocks and restrictions have been preventing you from moving forward in your life. 

You are the creator of your universe and if you aspire to be in alignment with what is true for you, then it is time for you to access your records. After your initial reading I will provide you with clearing tools to remove those soul level obstacles that have been preventing you from moving forward. It is worth the journey!

                                      $300 per Session

 Soul Retrieval

Soul Retrieval is the process of becoming whole again. As we go through our lives (past or present) we can experience something that is so traumatic that a piece of our soul separates from our soul body in order to deal with this trauma.

During a Qigong session this reattachment or joining of the soul can happen organically. Other times, when that piece is ready to return, it needs permission or acceptance in order to do so. 

I always ask my client if they are ready to accept this piece of themselves to welcome them home and then discuss what that means for them. 

This is an extremely powerful and fulfilling process.  


The ultimate journey of TRANSFORMATION. It is time for you to heal the layers that are keeping you small! 

Let’s see where you are, where you are going, and where you want to be! 
If you desire REAL and LASTING change, join me for my seven-month intensive program, TRANSFORM and let’s do all the things! Red Hat Qigong, Shamanic Breathwork, Transformational Guidance, and so much more. The energetic container has been set. Mind, body, and soul!

I help people to change their lives so they can become the most ENERGETICALLY VIBRANT versions of themselves they can be!
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Remote Energy Healing Sessions-We don’t have to be face-to-face to do the work. I can plug into you energetically wherever you are and the remote sessions are powerful! These sessions can be completed through Zoom, or over the phone. I use the Angelic Reiki healing symbols when working remotely combined with my own artistic twist. It will clear your energetic blocks and allow you to be in flow again. These sessions will also lead you to feeling lighter, more centered, and more grounded.

I help people to change their lives by becoming the most ENERGETICALLY VIBRANT versions of themselves they can be!

What to Expect for a Red Hat Qigong Session 

An average Red Hat Qigong (Energy Healing) session lasts around an hour and a half. I often recommend that my clients come to see me about once a month when we initially start working together. Please remember, this is a process of release and therefore in order to truly heal, it takes time, it takes commitment but, it is worth every bit of the journey! 

It is hard to say exactly what will happen during a session, as each session is so very different, as everyone is in a different place when they walk through my door. There are many contributing factors to the experience. There is no right or wrong, the purpose is release.

Please do not drink coffee on the day of the session. If you must have caffeine, please limit it to one cup at least four hours before. No strong perfumes or scents. I ask that all jewelry and belts are removed and pockets are empty. Please make sure to have sea salt at home as not everyone enjoys going to the grocery store afterwards. Cell phones must be powered off and shoes left at the door.  Other than that, please just relax and enjoy the experience!

If possible, it is beneficial to allow some time after the session to integrate before immediately jumping back into the busyness of life (i.e. work, grocery store, busy public places, etc) we do not all have the luxury of allowing this but if you can at least give yourself an hour afterwards you might just be happy you did! 

After the session, and before you go to bed, you must always take a warm sea salt bath, soak for at least 20 minutes and then immediately rinse. If you do not have a bath tub, don't worry, there are other options.

The average session lasts around 1.5 hours and costs $200.

Packages are available. See above to purchase.

What to Expect for an Akashic Record Reading

An Akashic Record Reading typically lasts around an hour and fifteen minutes. However, it can be a little less or a little more depending on how much information there is to share. I can offer these readings over the phone, Zoom, or face to face. 

If the session is over zoom or over the phone, please make sure to find a place that is quiet and where you will be undisturbed. 

I read your records prior to meeting with you and then present the information I receive during our time together. Therefore, I ask for at least one-week advance notice when scheduling these readings and for payment to be made upon booking. Please make sure to be on time for the session as if we start late your session time could be cut short. 

In order to access your records, I will need your full name at birth, full name now, place of birth, and date of birth. 

I do not record the sessions so please feel free to take notes or record our time together. 

You will be provided with clearing homework and sometimes more…

Combining an Akashic Record Reading with either a Red Hat Qigong Energy Healing session or a remote energy healing session is an incredibly powerful way to clear the energies and bring clarity to what is received! 

"Once that connection is made and the Qi is flowing I am able to deliver messages, release blocks, and comfort the soul of my clients. It is an amazing experience and I look forward to sharing it with you!"

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